Friday 5 March 2010



Let's be honest, this was the lecture we were all looking forward to the most in this module. We all giggled about it amongst friends and wondered what would be covered but in actuality (once the laughs at the comical nick names there are for masturbating were out of the way) the history of why the subject is so taboo, turned out to be very intriguing. How can one topic evoke so many mixed emotions and differing views when in actuality, we all do it!
It seems (as with many topics) that the majority of 'bad press' with regards to masturbation stems from religion and religious beliefs. As demonstrated by my picture, (link below) Christianity takes the stance that masturbation is a form of adultery (???) (maybe its just me, but aren't you only cheating yourself if you don't?) I also looked into female genital mutilation which is often done on religious grounds. Girls are thought to be calmer, smarter, taller, cleaner and more beautiful if they are circumcised (which involves the removal of the clitoris, often without anesthetic). I have included a link to a documentary on this subject below but it's not comfortable viewing so be prepared.
Picture from;

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